Gray Whale Expedition

If you are thinking of going to Baja California to see the gray whales, there are several things you should know about this type of expedition, especially if you want to enjoy your visit to the fullest. Remember that the Gray Whale Expedition season in Mexico is a unique event of its kind, which not everyone can witness.

Gray whale migration

One of the most amazing things about this experience is that it is the largest mammal migration in the world. To be precise, they swim between 10,000 and 14,000 miles per year, starting from the cold seas of the Arctic to the warm lagoons of Mexico and back.

Their migration begins in October which is when the Arctic ice starts to freeze south, and this is when food starts to dwindle, so the whales have to migrate.

What guidelines to follow in an expedition to see the Gray Whale?

  • Do not throw waste of any kind into the water.
  • Do not feed the whales, or tow any type of object.
  • During the sighting season, night navigation is prohibited.
  • Fishing, diving, swimming, water skiing, parachuting, etc. activities are prohibited.
  • Under no circumstances can one of these specimens or their young be harassed or harmed in any way.
  • The minimum distance is 60 meters, only in the case where the whale itself approaches and contacts the boat, this alignment does not apply.
  • You can only observe the whale for 30 minutes, that is, the boats can remain observing the same whale or a group of them for 30 minutes.
  • A maximum of four boats can be around the same whale, and any authorized boat that wants to observe has to be 240 meters away and wait for one of the first ones to withdraw.
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